bath.txt ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί BATH Ί Ί by William E. Bilbro Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ "May I join you?" "Of course you can." Sharon smiled dreamily up at Trilla from her languid recline in the bathtub. She was submerged to her armpits; the warm, perfumed water curled in intimate eddies around her bare brown arms, lapped against the curves and slopes of her floating breasts. Sharon rinsed her upraised knees with scooped up handfuls of scented water. "First time for this, I think." Trilla shed her black string bikini bottom and her white t-shirt. Sharon simply nodded. She had clipped the long ends of her bangs back above her ears with two gold barrettes, had made a pillow out of a folded towel, had stretched out in the long tub's glorious steaming pool, and now the warmth and delicious buoyant comfort took her close to sleep. "Two bodies are nice." Sharon murmured. Her eyes were closed, but she felt the water flow past her when the blonde stepped over the edge and sat down. The water's subtle push set her breasts bobbing just beneath the surface, it felt like impossibly gentle hands cupping her, supporting, caressing her. She straightened her legs and extended them on each side of Trilla, who now lay back against the tub's other end. The two young women gazed silently at each other. They swished their legs, felt silky skin make slick wet contact along supple thighs and calves. Trilla splashed her chest till it gleamed with bath oil, watched the water run in bright tracks down between her breasts, saw her nipples change from pale pink to the color of a deep red rose. With a grin she tickled Sharon's pussy with her toe-tip, and had her face splashed by the laughing brunette. Sharon leaned over the edge of the bathtub and reached for the pocket of her robe which lay draped across the vanity's chair, and from it drew a fat joint and Dan's lighter. The joint she handed to Trilla, who held it to her lips while Sharon touched the end with the tiny flame. Trilla puffed, and the cigarette's sweet organic smoke mingled with the fragrance of the water. "I needed this." Trilla said, her voice tense from holding her breath. "Did you have a hard day, Miss Rhylle? Sharon carefully took the joint from her friend's offering fingertips. She inhaled, the tip glowed redly. "Yes." Smoke streamed from Trilla's nostrils in twin grey columns. "Where were you? Dressed like that?" "Ray's. He's doin' a paper on `Cartesian' music. Sharon thought for a moment. Ray was a math major. `Cartesian' music? Notes by graph? "Let's see. Music by calculation?" "Yep. He makes the staff the horizontal axis, and pitch the vertical. The notes make a curve, which he can describe and reproduce using equations. Or, he can write the equation and then figure out where the notes go." "What did you do?" "I played the notes on my flute. Believe it or not, Ray doesn't know scales. You know, Every Good Boy, etc." "You're kidding?" "Nope. Can you dig that? Fourth year math student and he never learned his lines and spaces." "Even I know that. Or those." "Yep." They soaked quietly for a few moments as the smoke expanded through their limbs. Sharon bounced her breasts with her fingertips; Trilla sank down and blew bubbles through the water's surface. "Trillie, this makin' you anything like sexy?" Sharon pushed the water in a wave toward Trilla's nose, but the blonde jerked her head up, and giggled, and spouted a mouthful of water which arced across the tub and broke on Sharon's upper chest. Trilla lifted her legs over Sharon's and hooked her heels behind Sharon's hips. "I wondered about that, too..." She bent her knees and pulled. Sharon, with a welcoming smile, did the same, spreading her legs around Trilla's firm little ass and crooking her knees. The move brought their two naked, interlocked bodies together, and as their breasts touched, they embraced, and kissed each other solidly on the mouth. Trilla's mouth opened, her tongue came out and pushed between Sharon's lips; Sharon fought back with her own tongue-tip. Two sets of warm young breasts pressed together, flattened, Sharon's full and round, Trilla's compact, small, conical. Four nipples erected instantly out of puckered aureoles, stiffened by the touch of supple oiled skin. They gently turned their bodies, fitting curve and rise into slope and hollow. Each lowered a hand through the water to the soft place between the other's legs; probed tender folds, caressed, opened. Trilla broke the kiss and put her forehead down on Sharon's shoulder, and through the murky water she watched Sharon's fingers play in her blonde cunt. Sharon stroked her labia, parted them, made them yield and accept a fingertip into the fragile opening. Trilla contracted her vagina in a tight ring around Sharon's exploring finger. "Oh, Shay. Oh my Shay..." The blonde whispered. "You do that so well now." "I had a good teacher." "This is a little awkward. Can I move?" "Yes. Spin around." They released each other and Sharon helped Trilla do an about face, so that she faced the blonde's back. Trilla relaxed backward into Sharon's encircling arms; Sharon's breasts pillowed her, Trilla let her head fall back on Sharon's shoulder. The tub's rough floor prevented Trilla from sliding down and out of Sharon's embrace. Sharon kissed Trilla's ear, nudged it with her nose and lips, blew softly in it. She covered Trilla's wet breasts with her hands, molded them gently in her palms thinking, truly, Trilla, you're made like scoops of ice cream. Sharon plucked the blonde's nipples lightly, and, teased, they rose. Trilla closed her eyes and breathed a small sigh at this pleasant fondle of her body's most sensitive spots. Sharon's touch was gentle, yet firm and bold. But Trilla's impatience quickly drew her attention elsewhere. She raised her feet out of the water and put them up on the tub's edges, and took Sharon's hands in her own. "Down here, Shay. Where you were. Where you want to be." "Where you want me to be." "Yeah." Trilla widened her thighs separation at Sharon's return to her pussy. The brunette outlined the shallow triangular hillock of Trilla's pubis, twisted curls of water-softened pale hair around her fingertip, stroked the curved hollows where Trilla's slender legs joined her body. Trilla's hands followed every small probing move, sometimes guided, sometimes guiding; Sharon's obvious, unself-conscious, fascinated interest in her cunt was as stimulating to Trilla as the touch itself. Then with a quick but delicate dart designed to take the blonde by surprise, which succeeded, Sharon dipped the first two fingers of her left hand between the soft petals of Trilla's blooming labial flower. Trilla inhaled through her teeth sharply, as though hurt, and turned her face into Sharon's neck. Her flexible, rippled vaginal walls divided, received Sharon's twin-fingered thrust into her. Sharon sensed Trilla's cervix at her fingertips and withdrew slightly, then pushed again, and Trilla's hips began to tense and relax in rhythm with her pumping hand. Ten or twelve thrusts brought Trilla to a steady, husky pant. Sharon waited until Trilla's knees started a series of short, involuntary midair flutters, then brought her fingertips out of Trilla and up an inch or so, around Trilla's partially buried clitoris, which Sharon found like a tiny pebble loosely cushioned in its bed of wet, furrowed tissue. Sharon touched it, probed it, circled it lightly with the point of her middle finger. Trilla arched her back, and climaxed; uttered "Shay!" in a sharp, constricted cry. She clutched Sharon's wrist with both hands. Her thighs flexed, spread; her toes pointed on the bathtub's rim. Sharon released Trilla's clit but massaged the blonde's cunt gently, giving her something to thrust her pelvis against. Trilla held Sharon's palm down firmly on herself and rubbed her pussy on it, and Sharon's finger, again, slipped in and out of her vagina. "Trilla?" Sharon whispered. "Tril'? Hello?" "I'm here, Shay." Trilla said, her voice muffled in the hollow of Sharon's throat. "Just barely. Boy, this water makes me feel like you're touching me everywhere at once.." "Wish I could." Sharon tilted her friend's face up and kissed her pink lips. "Its cooling off. We should get out." "Not till I've had my chance. If we drain it now we'll be cold, n'est ce pas?" "Oui, cheri." Trilla sat forward, shook her head, and stood, stretching and yawning. She fluffed water from her cunt, took a towel from the rack and dried her face. "Your turn, Miss Blue Eyes." Trilla said, grinning and holding her hand down to Sharon. She helped the brunette to her feet. "How, Trillie?" "Just do what I say. I want you open and accessible. Sit" Trilla made Sharon sit down on the bathtub's wide edge with her feet in the water. She spread Sharon's legs and knelt, then sat, between them. The tub was rather deep, and if Trilla hunched a little her head came to the level of Sharon's wide-open thighs. The triangular patch of wet, dark brown, curly hair of Sharon's pussy beckoned, and Trilla put out her fingers to touch the soft twin folds and probe the dark vertical cleft. "Gonna kiss me, Tril'? Somewhere special?" "Yep. But I want your boobies first." Sharon leaned forward and braced her hands against the opposite wall. This brought her breasts down on the cheeks of Trilla's upturned, blissfully smiling face. The blonde took each hanging breast in a hand and settled her nose and mouth between them, into Sharon's warm deep cleavage. Trilla licked perfumed oil off Sharon's damp skin. She squeezed Sharon's breasts together and ran her tongue across the nipples. She held one breast in both hands, fastened her mouth to its point, and sucked, gently, softly, until it hardened. Sharon fingered her other nipple till it matched the first. When Trilla pushed her nose into her friend's chest, Sharon straightened up. The blonde then assembled a delicately traced chain of light kisses on Sharon's body which began at each erected nipple, travelled down the smooth, flawless skin on the sides and outcurving lower surfaces of Sharon's breasts, joined at the center between them, then down in a straight line over Sharon's stomach, pausing to lick a pendant into her shallow navel. Trilla felt Sharon's pubic hair brush her chin. She stopped, dipped her head, and nuzzled with her lips, her tongue, and her nose the firm rounded rise beneath the fleece. Sharon helped by spreading her thighs to their limit and flexing her ass; this pushed her cunt outward toward Trilla's nibbling lips. The blonde's burrowing tongue pressed apart the strands of hair, formed a bare channel in the center, where, finally, Trilla's tongue-tip found the apex of the crevice between Sharon's two plump outer labia. Trilla lapped, and the crevice opened. Sharon hissed with pleasure and buried her hands on Trilla's bedraggled hair. She urged Trilla's head into her pussy, amazed, as usual, at Trilla's skill at this act. The girl went very slowly, one tiny move at a time, making Sharon await, anticipate, the release Trilla always so expertly gave her. Now, besides her mouth, Trilla had both her hands up in Sharon's cunt. She had parted Sharon's paired female gates and was now softly spinning her tongue around the entrance of Sharon's vagina, which, now, out of the water, streamed Sharon's slippery secretion. Trilla sipped it, lapped it like a kitten at a saucer of milk. Her tongue entered Sharon's soaked secret opening, swirled, withdrew. She replaced it with two stiffened fingers which sank wedding-ring deep in Sharon's clamping, clenching vagina. Trilla let her tongue drift upward to a new target, Sharon's shy small clit. The brunette steadied herself with a hand on the edge of the bathtub. She still held Trilla's head with the other, but all sensation except the shrieking, vibrating pinpoint between her legs was lost. It brightened, intensified, concentrated, then burst, and she was pitched headlong down a yawning abyss. Sharon flew, or fell, through whirling pink empty space for what seemed like endless ages; her body was a hot, rushing flood of superlatively sweet orgasmic completion that thundered, pulsated, grew soft, quieted, disappeared, and left her just a little bit sad. When her senses cleared and her eyes opened Sharon found herself doubled up forward over Trilla's head, supported by the blonde's shoulders. Trilla sat calmly licking lubricant from her fingers. Sharon kissed the top of her head. "My God, Trilla," Sharon whispered. "You do set me on fire. What is your secret? How do you do that?" "Stick with me, Babe. You'll learn." "Do I make you feel anything near this? I'm paralyzed." Trilla went up on her knees and embraced Sharon, and kissed her lips softly, staring into her ice-blue eyes. "Yeah, you do. You always do. Can't you tell?" "I suppose." "We've only been at it six months or so, right? We'll both get better at this, its just a matter of time. And practice." "I can't imagine anything better than this." "We'll see, O.K.?" "O.K. Kiss me again." Trilla kissed her. "Thanks for the bath." "My pleasure, Cupcake. All my pleasure." ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Gary & Heather's BBS, Atlanta, Georgia - (404) 244-7059 Erotica from our OWNGROWN authors